Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Painting Away Color Tutorial

Step 1: Open the image you would like to work on. Duplicate layer.

Step 2: Click on the brush tool. In the options bar, switch the Blend Mode to color. Change your foreground to black.

Step 3: From the brushes palette, choose a medium sized, soft-edged (0% hardness) brush.

Step 4: Start painting. As you paint, the color will disappear leaving your image in grayscale.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

Digital Permanence

Digital Permanence: Forever is a Long Time
These days, what goes up online, often stays online. It may not be where it was initially posted, or in the same format, or it may disappear and resurface somewhere else – even though it’s digital, it can still be permanent. Ensure that what you post won’t get you in trouble or affect the online impression you make.

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