Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Painting Away Color Tutorial

Step 1: Open the image you would like to work on. Duplicate layer.

Step 2: Click on the brush tool. In the options bar, switch the Blend Mode to color. Change your foreground to black.

Step 3: From the brushes palette, choose a medium sized, soft-edged (0% hardness) brush.

Step 4: Start painting. As you paint, the color will disappear leaving your image in grayscale.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

Digital Permanence

Digital Permanence: Forever is a Long Time
These days, what goes up online, often stays online. It may not be where it was initially posted, or in the same format, or it may disappear and resurface somewhere else – even though it’s digital, it can still be permanent. Ensure that what you post won’t get you in trouble or affect the online impression you make.

Click Here

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

7th grade Photoshop Tools

Marquee Tool: Rectangular, elliptical, single column and single row are all marquees. They are used to put a selection or marching ants around an image.

Move Tool: used to move a layer. You can use the mouse or the arrow keys to move layers.

Gradient Tool: used to create gradients. A gradient is a smooth transition from one color to another.

Paint Bucket Tool: This tool enables you to paint large areas to once.

Horizontal Type Tool: This tool is used to put text into an image.

Vertical Type Tool: This tool is used to put text into an image. It will write vertical.

Custom Shape Tool: With this tool you can create a custom shapes in your image. You can choose from standard or imported shapes.

Hand Tool: This tool allows you to move your canvas/stage around.

Zoom Tool: This tool is used to zoom in and out of your image.

Eyedropper Tool: with this tool you can set your foreground color. In your image, click on the color you want to have.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

How To: Upload Images to Blogger

Step 1: In Photoshop, go under the File Menu and choose Save As.

Step 2: When the Save As dialog box appears, Under the Format drop down box select JPEG.

Step 3: Name your document. Never edit the ".jpg" section Click OK

Step 4: When the JPEG dialog box will appears change the quality to 12. Click OK.

Step 5: Log into your Blogger account. Once you have your post open click on the add image icon (it looks like a small scenic photo)

Step 6: Click on the Choose File button. Locate your document that ends with .jpg. Select Center. Click on the I agree check box. Upload document.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

8th Grade Type Tutorials

1. Perspective Type Tutorial - With this tutorial you will learn to create your own drop shadow effect as well as make your text look 3D by using perspective.
2. Gel Type Tutorial - Apple Computer made this effect famous with the giant "X" used in their Mac OS X ad campaign and product packaging. This tutorial is about the fastest and easiest way to get the "Gel type" look without breaking a sweat.
3. Light Burst Tutorial- This tutorial shows you how to create a light burst effect. It makes your test appear to have bright colorful lights bursting out from behind it.
4. Warp Text Tutorial - Using this tutorial you will be able to change the overall shape of your text. You will be able to create the following effects..Arc, Arch, Bulge, Shell, Flag, Wave, Fish, Rise, Fisheye, Inflate, Squeeze, and Twist.
5. Carved Wood Type Tutorial - This technique is very similar to the one used by Disney® for their hit movie Tarzan. We will create the texture from scratch using Photoshop's filters, then apply that custom-made texture to the type.
6. Semi-Transparent Type Tutorial - A quick and easy way to give type a glassy effect.

8th Grade Blog List

1. (9.3.08) 08-09 School Year
2. (9.4.08) African Proverb #1: Knowledge is better than riches.
3. (9.5.08) African Proverb #2: Cross the river in a crowd and the crocodile won't eat us.
4. (9.10.08) African Proverb #3: One who learns, teachers.
5. (9.11.08) African Proverb #4: One camel does not laugh at another camel's back.

DMM 08-09


Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Find three pointillist artists other than Georges Seurat. Find the first name, last name and the names of two pointllist paintings by each artist. Also find the date when each person was a painter or when each painting was painted.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Bring in examples of the following:

1. Drop Shadow
2. Outer Glow
3. Bevel and Emboss
4. Stroke
5. Outer/Inner Glow

Project #2

Client: Vernon Hogan (gallery owner)
Objective: Mr. Hogan needs a symmetrical poster for his art gallery. You are only allowed to use the marquee tool and your ruler.
Specs: 5x5, 72dpi, RGB
Save As: SymmetricalPoster

Practice #1

Client: Your Classmate
Objective: You will chose a classmate at random and design a poster for them using their specs ex. their favorite colors, what every text they choose etc. Use your creativity
Save As: ClassmatePoster

Project #1

Client: You
Objective: Design a poster for your room. Your poster's design should be visually pleasing and age appropriate.
Specs: 5x7, 72 dpi (resolution), RGB
Save As: Bedroom Poster

Tools 2

Pencil Tool: This tool is used to create little dots in an image. It works about the same as the brush tool.
Eyedropper Tool:With this tool you can set your foreground color. In your image, click the color you wnat to have.
Vertical Type Tool: This tool is used to put some text into an image. It will write vertical [ like the name it suggests]
Screen Modes: Use these buttons to select your screen modes [ standard/fullscreen with bar/full screen]

Tools 1

Eraser Tools :
-With this tool you can erase parts of your image.
You can also use it just like a brush.
Gradient Tool:
-You can choose your colors and draw a line in your image
and it will automatically create the gradient for you.
Paint Bucket Tool:
- This tool enables you to paint large areas
at once.
Horizontal Type Tool:
-This tool is used to put some text into an image.
Custom Shape Tool:
-With this tool you can create a custom shape
in your image with the foreground color.
Hand Tool:
-With this tool you can simply scrll through an image by
clicking on it and moving your mouse.
Move Tool:
-Used to move a layer. Use the mouse or
arrow keys to move it.
Rectangular Marquee Tool:
-Used to select a rectangular area. you can expand
your selection by holding SHIFT and selecting the area you want added to
the selection.
Eliptical Marquee Tool:
-Used to select an elliptial (round) area.
Single Row Marquee Tool:
- Selects a single pixel row.
Single Column Marquee Tool:
-Selects a single pixel column.
Brush Tool:
-This tool enables you to brush whenever you want to.
Zoom Tool:
-This tool is used to zoom in and out of your image.