Monday, December 3, 2007

Project Checklist

Footer- Thursday, August 21 2007
Background color/gradient
Change font color/size
One sentence per bullet
images match your content
title for all slides according to topic
file is correctly named. ex laylac.odp
No less tan 2 bullets per slide
your mini paragraph includes at least 4 sentences using the sentence starters given to you
Spell check/grammer check
Limit number of slides with just pictures to two
have at least one slide with just a picture
utilize the draw tool bar
if necessary 2 sentences on a bullet permitted
project is due november 19th and 20th
make sure your folder is correctly organized
all of your text can be read easily
you used bullets for all info except your 2nd slid
if ou used sound th elimit is 1 sound effect
slang slide does not contain images. write the slang term then make your own sentence using the term. underline or bold the term in your slide. ex FRESH I stay fresh
first slide --> back in the days - the 40's
second slide --> mini paragraph written in your own words. written in paragraph form.
last slide is your thank you slide
8th grade - 7 topics
7th grade - 6 topics
your thank you slide does not ocunt as 1 slide
footer: Layla Canteen - 605
The first letter of your first and last name is capital

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Substitute 10-12

In your blog answer the following questions. (write out the questions)

1. What is the difference between a gradient and a color?

2. What happens to the quality of a picture when you enlarge it.

3. What is a bitmap?

4. In NeoOffice what is the following called: File, Edit, Insert, Format etc. ?

5. In NeoOffice the icons BELOW File, Edit, Insert etc are called what?

6. The icons at the very bottom of NeoOffice (presentation) are called what?

In a seperate blog entry titled Back In the Days Notes, state which era you are doing. From your research type the most important as well as the most interesting facts that you think you will definantly use for your project. Number your facts. You should have no less than 15 facts.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Homework #2

Reviewing Key Terms
Fill in the blanks.

1. __________ consists of wrltten words and numbers.

2. The term __________ refers to the integration of still and moving imges, text and sounds by means of computer technology.

3. A __________ is a computer-based representation of a real-life situation.

4. __________ consists of live or recorded moving images .

Homework #1

When you look at web pages on the Internet, many of them are actually examples of multimedia projects. Name 3 web pages other than myspace, youtube and goole videos that are GREAT examples of multimedia.

Why are web pages that use a combination of text, images and sound more interesting than those that just use text?

Monday, September 17, 2007

Typing Techniques

Last week we went over Typing Techniques.

QWERTY keyboards

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sept 10

Today we went over the acceptable use policy.
Blog entry title is My Weekend

Friday, September 7, 2007


Peace Love and Power Students!!!!
I want to welcome new and returning students to New Media Technology Charter School. I hope this year you will all do your best and excel in all of your classes (especially mine).

Here you will find
* homework assignments
* classwork
* what's on my mind
* classroom shout outs
* and other random things